Hi, I’m Mark, and I want to help you bounce back from our current crisis
and see you thriving in all areas of your life, more of the time!
Welcome to thriving
Colleagues’ wellbeing needs are evolving rapidly, and companies need to keep up or risk being left behind. Finding a healthy hybrid working balance, championing diversity, as well as managing stress well are just a few of the many challenges employers now face.
thriving is a complete offering designed to help you and your company navigate the wellbeing challenges of today, and build a robust wellbeing strategy that demonstrates solid results year after year.
Get in touch to see how we can help you and your organisation now.
We have worked with hundreds of organisations and have helped tens of thousands of people make positive changes in their lives. We invite you to discover how you can thrive whatever is going on around you and how you can make it contagious with the most important people in your life.
How can thriving help you?
You can learn more about how to achieve a thriving organisation and how to help yourself thrive.
thriving Feedback
The impact of being coached by Mark was profound. I had high hopes of what I wanted to achieve which were clearly surpassed. I found the sessions enjoyable, practical, pragmatic and challenging – an ideal combination for me. I definitely feel better equipped to fulfil my full potential – not just within Deloitte, but much more broadly. I wouldn’t hesitate to wholeheartedly recommend Mark and have done on many occasions.
The response to the thriving programme was staggering, the feedback was unlike any other course; people were so thrilled to be able to have a session in work that helped them learn how to improve how they were in life, and in turn they could see that effect in work. It really was an incredible win-win in all areas. They felt invested in and for some they commented on the fact that it ‘had changed their life’ as they had never taken a moment to reflect on their needs or had the tools to help them but thanks to the Thriving programme – they did. In the UK we rolled out the programme using and train the trainer model and 97% of attendees said that they would recommend the session to others! In India we used the Digital model and were delighted when 95% of people signed up and competed the course. Personally, it was life changing to be part of such an inspirational and impactful initiative.
thriving Digital Coaching Platform is elegantly simple and deeply impactful. Beneath the simplicity is a deep understanding of human motivation and the psychology of behavioural change. The result is a programme that is agile, easily understood and shared so it becomes contagious across teams and into people’s personal lives.
Why is there such a strong need for this now?
In London, one of the most affluent cities in the world…
And it’s not just in the UK, it’s the same all over the world…
Our old metrics of success; money, power and fame are played out in a zero sum game; if one person wins then another loses. Whereas building personal wellbeing and resilience is a positive sum game. If you are at your best then you create a positive ripple through your interactions with others giving them permission to do the same.
Our ambition at thriving is to support you to be your best self and create a wave of contagious resilience that touches over
people globally by 2025
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