Meet the team

Mark Mulligan

Founder & CEO

I want to see you and the people who are important to you thriving more of the time. I might work with you 1:1 to help you to nail it in every part of your life… or I might partner with your company to build a healthy culture. It warms my heart to know we have helped tens of thousands of people to… well not just survive… but to thrive both at work and at home. At work I love learning new things, making the complex simple and shaking things up. When I’m playing, I love cycling around London, walking on windy beaches in winter, going with my husband to opening nights and eating Italian ice cream with my eyes closed. The thing that helps me thrive most is seeing others thrive; it’s like when you give money to a just cause – it makes you feel richer.

Sarah Bridges

Executive Coach & Operations Director

I’ll work with you to make sure everything runs smoothly. My favourite part of each day is hearing what people gain from thriving. After spending over two decades delivering large scale, complex learning & development programmes, I swapped corporate life & my commute for three years of Greek Island life. I also went from almost physical ‘burn out’ to impending mental ‘rust out’!  I’ve finally found balance. I’m happiest when coaching people to thrive whatever is going on around them or walking with my dog, on a hilltop in the sunshine! On the odd occasion I get to do both, I’m at a 10/10!

Priscilla Winter

Events Manager

I’m here to support you throughout your thriving journey; I’ll ensure your event runs smoothly from start to finish. I’m a customer service professional and I’m happiest when I’m helping you get to where you need to be, ensuring you have a positive experience on the way! One of the best parts of my role is delivering our #payitforward programme. I love hearing how people working for charities benefit from their thriving coaching. Being part of the thriving team means that I get to do what I love every day, whilst also having the time for other things – trying out new wines and eateries, long walks whilst listening to audio books, and meeting up with friends as often as possible.

Jalpa Lai

Digital Platform Manager

I manage our thriving Digital Platform for you. I’ll ensure you have a great experience of our online coaching programmes either alone, at your own pace or with others on one of our virtual workshops. I got so much from my own experience of thriving, it led me to begin my Yoga journey and then join the thriving team! I thought I was at 9/10 but when I looked ahead, I saw someone I didn’t want to be. Now I have achieved a happy and diverse work/life balance and being part of the thriving team has added to that. I feel happy when I see people sign up to our digital platform, knowing they are beginning their own personal thriving journey. I’m blessed with being able to start my day at 10/10 with my four legged best friend and a long walk in the beautiful countryside. If my thriving state drops, I know exactly what to do! 

Dom Scott

Digital Design Manager

I produce the thriving online, off line and video content for you. I’ve have been working in design and publishing for 25 years and I love my work, especially finding creative solutions to new challenges. I also love the outdoor life and time with my family, so I left life in London (and agency burn out) 8 years ago to live and work on the south coast. I have since found my life has more balance, and as a result I have much more creative energy to put into my work. Now I am thriving all the time!

Your thriving coaches

Leon Taylor

thriving Ambassador

I’ll bring my experience as an Olympian to our sessions together. Over 30 years in elite sport gave me a deep understanding of the effects of stress, pressure and expectation. Now, I focus on mental wellness. You might know me from Headspace where I’m a Move Mode coach, I’m also a yoga teacher, and a mentor for Olympic and Paralympic athletes. I’ll work with you to improve your health, your happiness and your performance, and I really enjoy the thriving approach to this. I thrive on science and evidence based coaching, one of my hobbies is reading research in this area. I also enjoy swimming in the sea (particularly when it’s very cold!) and getting out on my bike for a spin whenever the weather is kind.

Kate Muir

Author and Producer

I’m raising awareness around the menopause – how it should be about metamorphosis, not misery. When I talk to people in major organisations, I emphasise that most people don’t need to suffer the symptoms of the menopause if they get the right help. One in ten menopausal women leave their jobs, and that’s got to stop. I’ve been deep-mining the menopause for four years, producing two ground-breaking documentaries for Channel 4 with Davina McCall and my book ‘Everything You Need to Know About the Menopause (but were too afraid to ask)’, as well as working with The Menopause Charity. My next book and film will campaign on gender bias in women’s health. My own tough menopause experience was life-changing, eventually in a good way, resulting in a new career, home, partner – and a dog. My latest obsession is cold water swimming, down to one degree. But the high is amazing afterwards.

Daryll Scott

thriving Coach & Facilitator

You’ll most likely meet me on one of our thrivinars. Maybe I’ll be helping you manage stress in the moment or perhaps coaching you to harness your motivation to achieve whatever you put your mind to! The thrivinars I run have been described as thought-provoking, enabling change and inspiring. I’m an author, keynote speaker, consultant and certified coach with over 20 years’ experience of working in a range of operational environments, from large corporations to tech startups. I’m often described as an expert in human behaviour and enabling change – my approach is systemic, psychological and people-focused. I hold certifications in several psychometrics and psychological coaching methods. Apart from when I’m coaching, I’m happiest when I’m doing my favourite things – connecting with loved ones, socialising and being creative.

John Binns MBE

Thriving Coach & Facilitator

I bring to my sessions the combined experience of 25 years as a leader in the business and professional services world, including 16 years as a Deloitte Partner.  Learnings from my personal journey include: overcoming severe stress related heightened anxiety and depression to continue my Deloitte career, my academic understanding of CBT and my leading position in the world of workplace mental health. I’ve served for 10 years as Vice Chair and Board Member of Mind UK, as well as 9 years on the Board of the City Mental Health Alliance. My mission is to help others overcome, or even better prevent stress related symptoms and burnout. For recreation and fun I can often be found ploughing a furrow in the Essex lanes on my beloved racing bike, or playing guitar and singing in my rock covers band IF.

Della Judd

Thriving Coach & Facilitator

I might be running your next thriving session, if so I look forward to meeting you!  I love the way we create a safe space for people to really understand how they can make simple changes and thrive more of the time. In my previous role as a senior leader in a large professional firm I helped people to focus, not just on their professional skills, but their wellbeing too. I know from personal experience how important the balance between work, home and health is after I suffered a bout of chronic migraines that left me so unwell, I was off work for 4 months. I have now found the balance between working with a purpose, resting and doing things I love like yoga, walking and painting.

Ryan Hargreaves

thriving Coach & Facilitator

You might meet me on our Compassionate Professional thrivinar; I’ll share my experience as a former Buddist monk with you, and together we’ll explore how compassion can support you across all areas of your life, to optimise your wellbeing, form better relationships at work and achieve your human potential. During my 8 years as a monk, I spent half a year in a silent meditation retreat, which was truly a transformational experience and gave me a glimpse into the power of the mind. An avid learner, I’m pursuing an executive MBA at London Business School, specialising in leadership and organisational behaviour. In my spare time, I like to keep active, go on long walks in nature and catch up with friends over a pot of tea.

Laura Willis

thriving Coach & Facilitator

As a digital wellbeing expert, I’ll coach you to ensure your digital habits in today’s ‘always on’ world work for you; I’ll help you to reduce stress, improve your performance and achieve better balance. A social psychology graduate, I’ve always been fascinated by human behaviour. I experienced a period of poor mental health in 2013, as a result of a dysfunctional relationship with my digital technology. The journey I went on to improve my life made me realise that poor digital habits were at the heart of many of my problems – what I learned about myself, and the conversations I had with people experiencing similar digital overwhelm, inspired me to coach others. My journey also helped me to be thriving, and to be present. I started playing piano last year at the ripe old age of 45, and I love it! I also enjoy theatre, singing, yoga and running.

Gwyn Thomas

Thriving Coach & Facilitator

I’m passionate about equality and fairness, I believe that ‘valuing diversity’ must sit at the heart of my work and life. I was one of the first black police officers in Wales and I’ve overcome many challenges. I left the service after three decades having had a successful career as a senior police officer. I am now able to bring this experience and my long track record of success and achievement to my sessions. I’m proud to be the Diversity and Inclusion Lead for the Reserve Forces and Cadet Association in Wales and to have been awarded the Queens Golden Jubilee medal. When I’m not working, I love to read, visit the gym, walk and chill out in my caravan on the Gower Coast in Swansea.

Natasha Chivers

Thriving Coach & Facilitator

If you work in theatre, dance or the arts I’ll be coaching you through your virtual thriving workshop. As an Olivier award winning lighting designer, I know what it takes to be successful and the importance of looking after my wellbeing to stay at the top of my game. I love the way thriving works, especially how you get to find out what being your best self feels like and how to get there more of the time. I get such a kick out of helping you to thrive in all the areas of your life. When I’m not working I can be found strolling through the parks and markets of South London, running or swimming in the Lido.

Richard Odufisan

Thriving Coach & Facilitator

I’m most likely to meet you at our Racial Equity thrivinar. I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to be successful whatever success looks like to them. Whether that is progressing in their career, or having more time to spend with loved ones, everyone doesn’t necessarily get the chance to choose, because systems are often designed with a limited model of success in mind. As a former actor, tech. consultant and current DEI Leader, I use a value-driven, grace-led approach in helping us all become more inclusive leaders. For me, thriving is about finding and flowing with the music of life, whether that’s in church on a Sunday, or singing along to the theme songs of my son’s favourite shows.

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