thriving organisations

Are happier, healthier and more productive, with less time lost to sickness and absence.

Find out how businesses have already benefitted from the thriving programme.

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thriving clients

What’s the problem…?

For the first time in 2017, work-related stress, anxiety or depression accounted for over half of all working days lost due to ill health in Great Britain according to figures released by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Over half of all working days lost are due to work-related stress anxiety or depression
1 in 3 of the UK workforce have been formally diagnosed with a mental health condition at some point in their lifetime
Over 60% of employees who have experienced mental health issues stated this was due to work or work was a related factor

This is not just in the UK, it’s the same all over the world.

Yet productivity and commercial performance are only part of the story. Increasingly, talented people are drawn to organisations that promote the wellbeing of their people.

In the face of all these strong commercial reasons for investing in employee wellbeing, what we are seeing more and more is the moral justification, with more clients saying “it just feels like the right thing to do”.

If stress is the problem, then what’s the solution?  How do you support your people to be healthy, happy, fulfilled and sustain peak performance in the long term?

The solution

Companies who invest in wellbeing programmes find the following benefits…

Better employee morale and engagement
Lower sickness absence
Reduced work-related stress
Better staff retention
Improved productivity

How does this work in practice?

‘Thriving’ is a cultural change programme which works on a personal, inter personal and organisational level.


It equips individuals at all levels with the skills they need to attend to their own wellbeing so they can thrive no matter what’s going on around them.


It creates a permission space, language and framework for people to have real conversations and support each other.


It creates a positive wave of contagious wellbeing across all levels of the organisation by identifying changes to positively shift the wellbeing culture.

The foundation of all our working relationships is openness and trust. We take the time to develop relationships that are deep, collaborative and impactful.

The key to our success is our track record of moving people from ‘knowing’ to ‘doing’. The Thriving model enables people to gain the capability and the confidence to make personal positive changes.

The programme for every organisation is unique, taking into consideration the current situation and culture as well as the desired impact.

We follow a simple 3-step approach:


Start with a reality check by listening carefully to fully understand the current situation.  Be clear on the intention of the programme and co-create a clear vision of success.


Design a plan which will achieve the intention in the most efficient, cost effective and sustainable way.   Commitment and positive role models at all levels in the organisation.


Baseline measurement, feedback on improvement, collect and analyse data, measure the return on investment.  Compelling case studies and awards.

In addition we want to work with you to make an even wider impact. For every corporate licence you use we will work with you to give a licence to someone who needs it.

Thriving Feedback

Contact us to discuss Thriving in your organisation:

Mark Mulligan

Sarah Bridges

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