Healthy Ambition

Healthy Ambition

Is your ambition helping or harming your wellbeing?

Is ambition helping or harming your wellbeing?

On the one hand, ambition can be great, it allows us to do and achieve amazing things in life, however when it comes to wellbeing it can be the very thing that derails us.  When we have great success in one area of our life, such as our career or financially, other areas often suffer as a result.

In this video, Mark is joined by Lee Mears, to explore ambition and how it impacts our wellbeing.

Lee is a retired international rugby player with 2 World Cups, 43 international rugby caps for England and a British and Irish Lions tour under his belt. Since retiring from rugby he’s been coaching business leaders to realise their ambitions.

Lee shares his own personal story, along with insightful tips on how to harness healthy ambition and find better balance in life today.

You’ll discover a simple technique to take stock of where you’re thriving, where you’re striving and where you’re merely surviving.  So, that you can take steps to be holistically successful…across all the areas of your life.

Lee has also designed a fun and impactful ‘Healthy Ambition’ webinar which builds on the techniques in the video so you, your team and your organisation can be healthier, happier and more holistically successful. If you’d like to find out more, click here to set up a quick chat with Mark.

We’d love to learn what you found most useful, please share your comments below.

And in the meantime…

Be well and thrive.


Link to special thriving wheel of life for you to take stock of how you’re doing in each area of life right now.  You can export your own version here to work out how you can be more holistically successful.

Back to Keep Your Thrive Alive!

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  1. Ben-Reply
    9th September 2021 at 1:21 pm

    Love this KYTA Mark! Really important one… I also remember Lee doing damage in the front row against Ireland back in the day

  2. Della Judd-Reply
    9th September 2021 at 2:22 pm

    Love this – Me and my husband set a ‘word of the year’ each new year as our ‘North Star’ to help us keep focussed and get balance. So important to look at small incremental steps towards improvements too.

  3. Sarah B-Reply
    10th September 2021 at 3:35 am

    Really interesting conversation with Lee Mears, Mark. Great insights. Ambition can be a great motivator, but you need to keep it under control so it doesn’t take control of you.

  4. Leon-Reply
    10th September 2021 at 3:36 am

    Beware of perfectionism: it’s our biggest undoing! Healthy ambition
    Great post and content as always thanks Mark Mulligan

  5. Della-Reply
    10th September 2021 at 3:38 am

    Great video – pleased say that after my complete overhaul my wheel of life is in a very good place. If I had done this when you first started coaching me Mark Mulligan the wellbeing would have been a zero and family would have been very small as well. I prioritise things very differently now!

  6. Laura Willis-Reply
    13th September 2021 at 11:41 pm

    What an inspiring video Mark Mulligan great viewing to start the week! x

  7. Timothy-Reply
    13th September 2021 at 11:42 pm

    Top drawer Mark Mulligan I had a very similar relationship with ambition and particularly what I expected my life to be. I am truly grateful that I now focus on those things that help me flourish internally and not those material things that have no intrinsic value.

  8. Sarah-Reply
    10th November 2022 at 11:14 am

    I’ve just shared this with with a friend who was struggling with balance in their life. Fantastic video, great advice and a brilliant ‘Wheel of Life’ tool. Thank you

  9. Briony-Reply
    5th May 2023 at 10:50 am

    Great discussion – thanks for sharing these insights Mark and Lee.

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