thriving through Menopause
Advice for you, your loved ones, and your company
There are 13 million women of menopausal age in the UK. It’s the largest growing demographic in the workplace.. 1 in 10 women will quit their jobs because of menopause… that’s 1.3 women suffering mentally, physically and emotionally… and a huge loss loss of talent.
Something has to change.
To help, we’ve partnered with Kate Muir, menopause warrior, author, and producer of the ground breaking UK Channel 4 documentary with Davina McCall.
This video is primarily for women and non-binary people going through menopause. But it’s also for anyone who works with, lives with, or loves someone experiencing menopause. So, it’s for everyone and every organisation.
Kate shares practical advice on how you can thrive through menopause or, as she puts it:
“Menopause should be about metamorphosis, not misery.”
You’ll learn:
- How to recognise the early signs of menopause … or its evil little sister perimenopause.
- The latest research into treatments to address symptoms
- How employers can help.
Please help open up the conversation about menopause and share widely. We’d love to know what you think – let us know in the comments.
We look forward to seeing you soon and in the meantime.
Be well and thrive!
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Great video! Thank so much for explaining so clearly what happens and the options to help.
Fantastic, Mark and Kate! Such an important and enlightening conversation, and great to be shining a spotlight on this on world menopause day.
Let’s hope businesses take notice and start putting more supportive measures in place. It was a real privilege to work with you both on the film.
This is a great video! So important to keep talking about this , 1.6 million people quitting is nuts!
Thanks for creating this – I hope more and more business leaders start the conversation within their own organisations to help women stay in work – and be well.
Thank you Mark, brilliantly filmed and a great interview. Thank you!!!
Fantastic! Thank you Mark for standing up for a better world!
Awesome, empathetic (as ever) and bang on. It’s so important to see employers and organisations embracing this stage of their employees life and work journey. We’ve just recovered from the baby years and the turmoil and logistical challenge that brings, to then be blindsided by the next hormonal gauntlet to be run, whilst trying to walk in a straight path in our careers!! I’m so glad this conversation is being had so loudly. Thank you
This is fantastic and just what is needed. We need more male allies like Mark. Hearing Kate (and Davina) speaking up about the importance of menopause awareness is a game changer. Interviews like this help break the taboo.
Brilliant short video!
Some amazing, informative and inspiring content from Kate. I’ve shared with my clients & my wife and she has shared with her friends.
This is great, thank you Mark for being a great ally. Also Kate was great, such clear and scientific based information, really helpful