Race Equity
… from tension to trust, one conversation at a time.
So much time has passed since the death of George Floyd shone a light on racial inequality across the world. Now, there is more awareness of the problem … but depressingly there is also more racial tension according to a survey published in the Guardian newspaper.
Hearing this we felt really sad but also curious, wondering what we could do to make a positive difference.
Mark reached out to Richard Odufisan for help. Richard is a committed inclusion advocate and was the Black Action Plan Implementation lead at Deloitte.
In this month’s video Mark and Richard explore how we can all…
Shift the dial from racial tension to trust… one conversation at a time.
Richard shares:
- How to overcome discomfort to talk about race
- How to deepen understanding & nurture trust
- How to be a supportive ally
Richard also leads our interactive webinar to support this video, we call it a thrivinar! This thrivinar is designed to shift how people think, feel and behave at work to improve racial understanding and trust. Schedule a quick call if you’d like to find out more.
We’d love to learn what you found most useful, please share your comments below.
In the meantime..
Continue to stay safe, be well and thrive!
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Another great video with a lot to take away. ‘Stand beside them’ really resonated with me and I aim to build on that in my own interactions with others
Very useful and insightful conversation. We must just get started and also I like the comment we need to be empathetic and understanding without adding our own guilt / anger etc.
Very useful and insightful conversation. We must just get started and also I like the comment we need to be empathetic and understanding without adding our own guilt / anger etc.
Such an insightful and powerful conversation between the two of you! Well worth a listen. Hope more people in my network see.
Such a fascinating interview. It was a real pleasure to meet Richard at the shoot and to hear his story and perspective. His words have really stayed with me since we filmed this, and I get a bit more out of it each time I watch it back. The notion of overcoming discomfort to talk about race particularly resonates as it’s all too easy to do or say nothing for fear of getting it wrong. So it’s really useful to have practical tips and advice to get past this.
Wonderful session today Mark! And Richard, lovely insight. I particularly felt that connection when you talked about the fact that all parties will feel uncomfortable and it takes vulnerability. This is vital information and also makes a great starting point. This isn’t comfortable for anyone, but this is where we must start from. Once again, great work Mark.
A bold thumbs up on the entire piece especially the bit on overcoming the discomfort to talk about race.
Very important and needed video to all of us, good reminder how to approach conversation about race and how to listen to others in active and open way.
For me the breakthrough moment in this video was to learn about Richard’s perspective, how he thinks when he is walking on the street at the night, taking into consideration how save other people feel around him.
Mark I watched this a week ago and must say I opened the video expecting to hear much of what I have heard in other places from other people. I did not! This piece is unique. As a Solicitor I particularly like the idea of changing conversations from being adversarial in tone to amicable and with an effort of understanding for both parties involved. I love the “first date” metaphor and the acknowledgment that particularly in the current climate both parties are vulnerability
Brilliant conversation and questions Mark. And Richard always so generous with his time and insight in this space, thanks for helping me on every step of my journey
i thought this was a really good conversation, one that needs to be had with the key focal points mentioned in mind so that a beeter conversation is had with more understanding