
Lessons of Lockdown

Lessons of Lockdown How to harvest your learning so you can create a thriving future for yourself. Corona has changed all aspects of our lives…  how we work, how we play and how we connect with others.  All this change has been challenging, indeed AXA found that 63% of people experienced an increase in work related stress over lockdown. However,
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Race Equity

Race Equity… from tension to trust, one conversation at a time. So much time has passed since the death of George Floyd shone a light on racial inequality across the world.  Now, there is more awareness of the problem … but depressingly there is also more racial tension according to a survey published in the Guardian newspaper. Hearing this we
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Financial Wellbeing

Financial Wellbeing How to improve yours… and become a millionaire 😉 Some people say “Your health is your wealth”, however your wealth, or at least how you think, feel and behave around money can also affect your wellbeing. We used to think financial wellbeing was directly proportionate to how much people earned however we've discovered that actually the opposite can
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Fragile to Agile

From Fragile to Agile...… is tech working for you or against you? Technology has been a game changer in terms of how we work today … it gives us the ability to work where, when and how we choose. What is sometimes referred to as AGILE working has been hailed as the answer to getting work life balance but in
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Eat Well – Full

Eat WellTo feel light, energised and healthy Have you noticed that when you eat well you feel better, I‘m not just talking about the type of food you eat.  How you enjoy your food can make a huge difference to your wellbeing.  In this video we’ll focus on eating well with a distinctly Indian flavour.  In this video you’ll learn
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Eat Well

Eat WellTo feel light, energised and healthy Have you noticed that when you eat well you feel better, I‘m not just talking about the type of food you eat.  How you enjoy your food can make a huge difference to your wellbeing.  In this video we’ll focus on eating well with a distinctly Indian flavour.  In this video you’ll learn
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Leading Wellbeing Well2

Leading Wellbeing Well Practical tips from inspiring Leaders to build a healthy culture. One of the things we love about working here at thriving is that we get to work with inspiring leaders.  The sort of people who have the ability to reach inside you, light a fire, give you energy, make you feel valued and special. Have you noticed
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Leading Wellbeing Well

Leading Wellbeing Well Practical tips from inspiring Leaders to build a healthy culture. One of the things we love about working here at thriving is that we get to work with inspiring leaders.  The sort of people who have the ability to reach inside you, light a fire, give you energy, make you feel valued and special. Have you noticed
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Stress SOS

Stress SOS3 strategies to manage stress in the moment Would you like to feel better... more you?!   Happier, or more balanced, like you used to feel before everything got so crazy? What if you could shift from being stressed to feeling more positive - right now?! In this video you’ll discover 3 simple strategies you can do, to help
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Wellbeing on Purpose

Wellbeing on Purpose 3 Steps to find your Purpose and improve your Wellbeing Have you noticed during lockdown that you’ve been looking out for others more than usual?  Us too! It just felt natural to reach out and help but the funny thing is that when we did… we felt better too. We’ve been curious about the connection between feeling
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